“Because you are an As##OLE”!!!!

H Νεφέλη Φασούλη απαντά με τον πιο ψύχραιμο και φαινομενικά cool τρόπο, για το τέλος των άδοξων σχέσεων, σε ένα τραγούδι λύτρωση από αυτές.

Το “As##OLE” έγραψε ο Τάσος Μελετόπουλος και είναι η δεύτερη συνεργασία του με τη Νεφέλη Φασούλη, μετά το “Totally Confused”. Τραγούδι ανακούφισης που δεν μασάει τα λόγια του.

Στίχοι – Μουσική: Τάσος Μελετόπουλος
Ενορχήστρωση, παραγωγή : Χρήστος Αλεξάκης
Επιμέλεια – Οργάνωση: Άρης Δαβαράκης
Φωνή: Νεφέλη Φασούλη
Σκηνοθεσία: George Cousin

It’s so silent
And i am so cool
When i am alone
Me and all i want to dream of
When, when i am alone
I am alone
In my bed
And i am so happy, happy, happy..
Now, my heart is blooming love

Cause i ve got rid of you
Rid of you
I ve got rid of you

Because you were
An as##OLE
Oh yeah because you were an as##OLE
Because you were so cruel with me
Cruel, cruel, cruel

It’s so peaceful
And i am so good
Now that you are gone
I can fly and taste my dreamland
Now, now that you are gone
You are gone from my head and i am
So happy,happy, happy…
I can feel again my heart beat

Cause i ve got rid of you
Rid of you
I ve got rid of you

Because you were
An as##OLE……

And i am so happy
I am so happy
I am do happy
I am so happy

That i ve got rid of you
Rid of you
Because you were an as##OLE
Oh yeah because you were an as##OLE
Oh yeah because you were so cruel with me
Cruel cruel cruel
Because you were an as##OLE
Oh yeah because you were an as##OLE
Oh yeah
Because you were so cruel


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